Tarot Major Arcana Cards: The Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!

Pt. K N Mishra
13 Min Read
Tarot Major Arcana Cards: The Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!

Tarot Major Arcana Cards: Unveil the Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!

Tarot Cards are widely used for predictions, self-awareness, and mental balance. A full tarot deck contains 78 cards, out of which 22 are Major Arcana cards. These cards represent the significant aspects and events in life. In this article, we will explore the meanings, symbolism, and impact of the 22 Major Arcana cards in detail.

Tarot Major Arcana Cards: Unveil the Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!1. The Fool: Tarot Major Arcana Card2. The Magician: Tarot Major Arcana Card3. The Hierophant: Tarot Major Arcana Card4. The Empress: Tarot Major Arcana Card5. The Emperor: Tarot Major Arcana Card6. The Lovers: Tarot Major Arcana Card7. The Chariot: Tarot Major Arcana Card8. Strength: Tarot Major Arcana Card9. The Hermit: Tarot Major Arcana Card10. Wheel of Fortune: Tarot Major Arcana Card11. Justice: Tarot Major Arcana Card12. The Hanged Man: Tarot Major Arcana Card13. Death: Tarot Major Arcana Card14. Temperance: Tarot Major Arcana Card15. The Devil: Tarot Major Arcana Card16. The Tower: Tarot Major Arcana Card17. The Star: Tarot Major Arcana Card18. The Moon: Tarot Major Arcana Card19. The Sun: Tarot Major Arcana Card20. Judgement: Tarot Major Arcana Card21. The World: Tarot Major Arcana CardFAQs : : Tarot Major Arcana Card1. What are Tarot Cards?2. How many cards are there in Major Arcana?3. What is the significance of Major Arcana cards?4. What does ‘The Fool’ card mean?5. What does ‘The Magician’ card signify?6. What is the message of ‘The Temperance’ card?7. Does the ‘Death’ card mean death?8. What does ‘The Lovers’ card convey?9. What does ‘The Hermit’ card signify?10. What does ‘The Star’ card mean?11. What is the message of ‘The Moon’ card?12. What does ‘The Sun’ card represent?13. What is the significance of ‘The Tower’ card?14. What does the ‘Judgement’ card mean?15. What does ‘The World’ card symbolize?

1. The Fool: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The first card, The Fool, represents new beginnings, journeys, and courage. It indicates that a person is ready to take a step in a new direction. It is an incredibly positive card symbolizing optimism, faith, and new hope. Before beginning this journey, we must let go of our fears and focus on our spiritual path.

2. The Magician: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Magician card symbolizes our inner power and resources. It tells us that we can use all the tools we need to fulfill our goals. This card encourages creativity, smart work, and activity in life. The Magician shows us that if we focus our thoughts and actions, we can achieve success in any situation.

3. The Hierophant: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Hierophant represents spirituality, tradition, and the learning path. It tells us that we may need guidance on our spiritual journey. It is time to understand morality and the rules of society. The Hierophant card draws us towards our deep beliefs and traditions.

4. The Empress: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Empress card symbolizes fertility, nurturing, and natural beauty. It represents maternal love, nurturance, and creativity. This card inspires us to express our creativity and embrace our emotions. It is a strong signal that we can succeed in creative and nurturing projects.

5. The Emperor: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Emperor card signifies power, discipline, and leadership. It reminds us that we must make wise decisions in life. It emphasizes our social and personal responsibilities. When this card appears, it encourages us to stay focused on our life’s clear direction and purpose.

6. The Lovers: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Lovers card represents love, partnership, and relationships. It tells us that we need balance in our relationships and agreements. This card symbolizes deep connections between two people with mutual understanding. It also signifies the need to make decisions and listen to our hearts.

7. The Chariot: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Chariot card signifies determination, motivation, and positivity. It indicates that we must remain enthusiastic and determined to achieve our goals. When facing life’s difficulties, this card advises that we approach our challenges with patience and control to achieve success.

8. Strength: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Strength card symbolizes courage, patience, and inner strength. It teaches us that we need mental and physical strength to face life’s challenges. This card indicates that if we use our inner power and patience, we can overcome any difficulty.

9. The Hermit: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Hermit card represents self-reflection, thoughtfulness, and solitude. It signals that we sometimes need to be alone to explore our inner world. This card suggests that to attain self-knowledge, we need to spend time reflecting on our problems.

10. Wheel of Fortune: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Wheel of Fortune card represents life’s cycle, luck, and alignment. It reminds us that life is full of ups and downs. This card indicates that if we understand and face the current circumstances, we will experience the good side of life. It reflects the importance of luck and timing.

11. Justice: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Justice card symbolizes fairness, balance, and ethics. It tells us that we must make decisions based on what is right and wrong. The card emphasizes being honest about our actions and decisions. When this card appears, it encourages us to stay true to our moral compass.

Tarot Major Arcana Cards: The Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!
Tarot Major Arcana Cards: The Secrets of Each Card and Its Meaning!

12. The Hanged Man: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Hanged Man card signifies sacrifice, a change in perspective, and sensitivity. It tells us that sometimes we need to change our perspective and view things differently. This card suggests that to find a solution, we may need to practice stillness and patience.

13. Death: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Death card symbolizes endings, transformation, and renewal. It signifies the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. Although it may seem frightening, it actually means renewal and the opening of new possibilities. The card shows that change is part of life, and we must embrace it.

14. Temperance: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Temperance card symbolizes balance, patience, and harmony between opposites. It teaches us that we need to maintain balance in different aspects of life. This card encourages us to approach any task while keeping our emotional and physical health in mind. It symbolizes spiritual growth and patience.

15. The Devil: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Devil card represents bondage, temptation, and negativity. It tells us that we might be bound by a negative habit or situation that prevents our freedom. This card indicates the need for self-discipline, freedom, and breaking free from negative influences. It suggests that we should reflect on our core desires and self-awareness.

16. The Tower: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Tower card symbolizes sudden change, destruction, and conflict. It represents unexpected shifts and instability in life. This card signals that we may face negative events, but these events help us gain a new perspective on life. It indicates the importance of awareness, understanding, and sensitivity.

17. The Star: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Star card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and spiritual peace. It tells us that after facing difficulties, there is always hope and light. This card directs us towards self-confidence and spiritual growth. It tells us that with positive thinking and self-surrender, we can face any challenge.

18. The Moon: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Moon card represents psychology, dreams, and illusion. It signals confusion, the unconscious, and the unknown. It warns us to pay attention to our deep emotions and misconceptions. This card represents the need for focus and organized thinking to make the right decisions.

19. The Sun: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Sun card symbolizes happiness, positivity, and success. It signifies the arrival of positive changes and success in life. This card tells us that by adopting a positive and clear approach, we can easily achieve our goals. It symbolizes energy and illumination on our journey.

20. Judgement: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The Judgement card symbolizes self-evaluation, justice, and decision-making. It signals that it is time to evaluate our past mistakes and make right decisions. This card encourages us to adopt a new perspective and self-reflection. When this card appears, it indicates that we are heading towards growth and renewal.

21. The World: Tarot Major Arcana Card

The World card symbolizes completion, wholeness, and success. It signifies the end of a journey and the beginning of a new chapter. It is time to recognize our dreams and life purpose. The World card shows that we have completed our spiritual and material goals and reached a state of wholeness.

The Major Arcana cards are an essential part of the tarot deck that reveal the deeper truths, both positive and negative, of life. These cards guide us on our journey, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage positive transformation. When used correctly, they help us understand the deeper mysteries and principles of life.

FAQs : : Tarot Major Arcana Card

1. What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are a divine tool used for predictions, self-awareness, and mental balance.

2. How many cards are there in Major Arcana?

There are a total of 22 cards in Major Arcana.

3. What is the significance of Major Arcana cards?

Major Arcana cards represent significant aspects, events, and changes in life. They provide deep introspection and guidance.

4. What does ‘The Fool’ card mean?

‘The Fool’ card symbolizes new opportunities, beginnings, and courage. It tells us that to move forward in life, we must embrace new paths while learning from our mistakes.

5. What does ‘The Magician’ card signify?

‘The Magician’ card represents our inner power and resources. It encourages us to use our hard work and creativity to achieve our goals.

6. What is the message of ‘The Temperance’ card?

‘The Temperance’ card symbolizes balance, patience, and moderation. It encourages us to maintain balance in different aspects of our life.

7. Does the ‘Death’ card mean death?

No, the ‘Death’ card does not mean death. It symbolizes transformation, renewal, and the beginning of a new chapter.

8. What does ‘The Lovers’ card convey?

‘The Lovers’ card symbolizes love, relationships, and partnerships. It shows the need for balance and understanding in our relationships.

9. What does ‘The Hermit’ card signify?

‘The Hermit’ card represents self-reflection and spending time alone. It encourages us to listen to our inner voice and focus on our mental state.

10. What does ‘The Star’ card mean?

‘The Star’ card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and spiritual peace. It signifies that after difficulties, hope and renewed inspiration will emerge.

11. What is the message of ‘The Moon’ card?

‘The Moon’ card represents confusion, mental uncertainty, and unconscious emotions. It alerts us to understand our deep emotions and concerns.

12. What does ‘The Sun’ card represent?

‘The Sun’ card symbolizes happiness, success, and positivity. It indicates positive changes and success in life.

13. What is the significance of ‘The Tower’ card?

‘The Tower’ card represents sudden change, crisis, and upheaval. It shows that drastic changes give us an opportunity to move beyond old situations.

14. What does the ‘Judgement’ card mean?

‘Judgement’ card represents self-evaluation and decision-making. It encourages us to assess our past actions and make the right decisions.

15. What does ‘The World’ card symbolize?

‘The World’ card represents completeness, closure, and success. It indicates that we have fulfilled our life’s purpose and are in a state of wholeness and prosperity.

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